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St. Mary's Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Charity Work

As a Catholic school, we focus on the pursuit of the common good and to provide service for those in greatest need.

Throughout the year we raise money for a range of charities such as the Anti Bullying Alliance with Odd Socks Day, Stella Maris with packing woolly hats for sailors and presents for refugee children at Christmas. 



Dear St Mary's Primary School,

I'm writing to express our many thanks for the Christmas gifts that you donated to PAFRAS via Horsforth Town of Sanctuary.

We able to give them out to the families we work with at our Christmas Drop In. 65 families came to the drop in, and in total we were able to give gifts to 114 children. There were also a few more families who collected gifts outside the drop in, so in fact this number will be higher!

People have really loved the gifts and it was very special to be able to provide good quality items to people who would not have been able to afford it otherwise.  It wouldn't have been possible without your kind donations. 

This year, as part of our Catholic life development, we are encouraging the children to be more proactive in our charity work by asking all classes to choose a charity to support with a pupil led charity day throughout the year. Each class has chosen a charity and will plan activities to support their chosen charity.

Reception – St George’s Crypt – Wednesday 18th December - Reception raised an amazing £1426.70 for St George's Crypt. 

Year 1 – Horsforth Community Pantry – Friday 4th OctoberImage

Year 2 – Save the Children – Friday 13th December - Year 2 raised a super £328 for Save the Children. Image

Year 3 – Candlelighters – Friday 31st January

Year 4 – British Heart Foundation – Friday 28th February

Year 5 – St Gemma’s Hospice – Friday 16th May

Year 6 – Cancer Research UK – Friday 13th June

The Mini Vinnies collected chocolate Advent calendars for the SVP food bank in November 2024. 

The Mini Vinnies packed woolly hats with essentials for sailors for the Stella Maris charity in December 2025. 

The School Council ran the Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September to raise money for Macmillan. We raised a super £356.