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St. Mary's Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Spelling Bee

On Wednesday 5th February, St. Mary's are hosting their own Spelling Bee!

In the lead up to the Spelling Bee, all children have been set a challenge. During week 1 of the half term, all children have been tested on the words allocated for their year group and given a baseline score. You can access these words by clicking the links below. Their aim now is to improve their personal score before Wednesday 5th February. Anyone who is able to make an improvement to their score will be awarded a Spelling Bee certificate!

Children with the greatest increase in score will have the chance to qualify for the Spelling Bee final.

Spelling is key to the success of our children's writing and they can access Spelling Shed to practise their weekly spellings as well as the Spelling Bee words -  Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - The Science of Spelling.


Spring 1 Spelling Bee

Year 1 words

Year 2 words

Year 3 words

Year 4 words

Year 5 words

Year 6 words